Hear the rattle of musketry, feel the ground shake from the volley of cannon fire, watch the sun gleaming off thousands of muskets, see the air thick with the smoke from black powder, listen to sergeants as they try to keep the men together and officers frantic to get their men into position. The orders may be to double quick to the front and throw out a skirmish line while the main body comes up behind. We may execute a flank march and pour a deadly volley into the Union flank. We might advance with the main body and stand our ground in a deadly firefight with the Union army. We may be held in reserve; ready to move at a moments notice to where ever we are needed. We may provide covering fire for the main body as our army is forced to retreat. This is reenacting with the Stonewall Brigade.

2025 Calendar of Events

22-23 February: Winter Quarters (Dillsburg, PA – Closed to Public)

27-29 June: Spangler Farm Living History (Gettysburg, PA)

8-10 August: Battle of Cedar Mountain (Culpeper, VA)

1-2 November: Battle of Mine Run (Orange County, VA)